Think Health

Improving The Quality Of Life With Data

We believe that every client's quality of life can be improved with data.
That's why we built the first data analytics platform for in-home organizations that helps improve the quality of life for clients.

The Measure of Success

We believe that improving the quality of life of clients is the true measure of success for all in-home care organizations. Our Quality of Life score encompasses the 6 key social determinants of health:

Physical Health

Diagnosed physical conditions, ADLs, Sleep Disorder, Sensory Loss, Incontinence, Pain

Mental Wellness

Diagnosed mental conditions, Depression, Alzheimer's, Anxiety, Memory Loss

Eating & Nutrition

Appetite Loss, Inability to Feed Oneself, Malnutrition, Dehydration, Mouth Disorder, Weight Loss

Home & Environment

Safety, Adaptation, PERS, Home Condition, A/C and Heating, Neighborhood Environment

Activity & Purpose

Exercise, Responsibilities, IADL, Spirituality, Religion

Family & Friends

Loneliness, Social Interactions, Community, Family, Friends

Data is Everywhere.

Data is Everywhere

In-home organizations have access to so much data but many of them have difficulties capturing quality data and making sense of it. By using our platform, organizations can use the power of data to make informative decisions, measure their impact and transform the outcome of their care services to improve the quality of life for all the clients they serve.

Start using your data to improve the quality of life for the clients you serve.

Get Started

Our Team

Felipe De La Fuente

Felipe De La Fuente


Felipe De La Fuente Sales

Believes in technology as an agent for positive change. Loves the outdoors, the sea, and Bruce Springsteen music. Curious about life, history, and space. His preferred life moment: preparing breakfast for the kids.

Pascal Lambert

Pascal Lambert


Pascal Lambert Healthcare

Addicted to (real) life and convinced that technology is a good support for it. Loves hard rock, progressive metal, tennis, running and golf, especially when they end around a shared meal and lots of wine. Wise epicurean.

Rafael Pivato

Rafael Pivato


Rafael PivatoDevelopment

Veteran software developer who believes in building products that truly changes people lives and facilitates their daily routine. Loves spending time with family, watching movies, playing video games and going out for a walk.




Chiputera Development

Passionate software developer who lives to make cool stuff. Believes in collaboration and loves good books, blues legends and arts. Preferred life moment is working in a calm ambiance with a cup of hot latte.

Interested in what we do?
Drop us a line! We are rapidly growing and we would love to hear from you.

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